We Can Do Better Than Another Will County Tax Referendum

We Can Do Better Than Another Will County Tax Referendum

Be Efficient and Be of Greater Help

By Rick Laib

The last question on this year’s Will County November ballot will ask voters if they want to vote for a tax referendum to create a Mental Health Board.  I have written about the proposition; you can find that blog here

To sum up: the tax referendum will add approximately another $50 every single year to your property tax bill to pay for the creation of a Mental Health Board.

You may ask, “But don’t we need mental health services?”  Surely we do. Some things to consider: 

1. You already pay for mental health services.  These services are offered by the Will County Health Department.  The tax referendum will charge you more money for services you already pay for.

2. The Will County Health Department already has a board (which, as I've already written, you already help pay for) and it's unclear who this new board would be accountable to.  

3. There is a better way; the County Board could make it their focus to free up, remove restrictions on, and promote, churches and non-profit organizations who are already providing mental health services.  The County Board can do this at no additional cost to the taxpayer.    

You may think we need greater and expanded services.  Fine—let me encourage you to find a non-profit organization and give directly to them.  If you do believe we need greater services, and those services have to be paid for, don’t you want the best return for your money?  Give directly to a non-profit.  Your money is better spent there. 

Vote “NO” on the tax referendum.  

Rick Laib is the Chairman for The Joliet Township Republican Organization.  The Joliet Township Republican Organization seeks to promote the platform and ideals of the Republican Party and help get good Republican candidates elected.  We can be reached at jtrodesk@gmail.com
