Clarity On the Proposed Will County Tax Referendum

Clarity On the Proposed Will County Tax Referendum

What exactly does this mean?

By Rick Laib

The very last question on the ballot for Will County residents will be a proposition for a new tax levy.  The wording of the question is below, or you can look at it on your sample ballot here.  

The question reads: Shall the County of Will levy an annual tax of not to exceed .05% for the purpose of providing community mental health facilities and services including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance abuse disorder?

As with most propositions on a ballot you will have the option to respond with “YES” or “NO.”

But what exactly does that mean?  Let’s read it again and let me offer some clarification in bold face that might be helpful:  

Shall the County of Will levy, (or, collect from you) an annual (every year from now on) tax (in addition to the taxes you are already paying) of not to exceed .05% (which some County Board members estimate to being not more than $50 per household) for the purpose of providing community mental health facilities (in addition to the facilities already offered by the Will County Health Department) and services (in addition to services already being provided, and services you are already paying for, by the Will County Health Department) including facilities and services for the person with a developmental disability or a substance abuse disorder?

If you pay property taxes in Will County, you are already paying for services and facilities (specifically, those offered by the Will County Health Department) to help treat individuals with developmental disabilities and individuals who struggle with substance abuse.  What some County Board members want, from you, is another $50 a year (a tax levy) to create a brand new mental health board that will…help treat individuals with developmental disabilities and individuals who struggle with substance abuse.  

When are enough taxes, enough taxes? 

Vote “NO” on the tax referendum.  

Rick Laib is the Chairman for The Joliet Township Republican Organization.  The Joliet Township Republican Organization seeks to promote the platform and ideals of the Republican Party and help get good Republican candidates elected.  We can be reached at
